Sunday, August 26, 2012

Veggie Burgers!

I'm pretty sure that Matt and I have never left a bookshop empty handed. He heads straight to their history section while I make a beeline for the cooking section - we each end up convincing ourselves that we don't have enough history / cooking books, and we desperately a few more. And so that's how I ended up with with a cookbook completely devoted to veggie burgers - Veggie Burgers Every Which Way.  What I really liked about this one was the variety of veggie burgers in the book - there's a chapter on bean-based burgers, vegetable-based burgers, grain-based burgers, all sorts of different type of burgers. 

Corn from our farm share! We had grilled corn with our veggie burgers.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cucumber Night

So, one of the benefits of my new job is that I can participate in a farm share with a local farm, Ward's Berry Farm.  Every week, for $22, I get a giant box of fresh, local veggies.  I am in heaven.  The veggies change every week, depending on what's ripe that week, but we've been getting a lot of cherry tomatoes (yum!), peppers, squash, corn, potatoes, and cucumbers. 

This week's box.  You're jealous, right?

Tofu-Veggie Pie

So, we actually made this awhile ago, and I never posted it because it took me a while to upload the pictures.  This is another experiment, not quite as oddball as the melon pasta or ice cream, but certainly a little out of box for us.  Quiche is pretty awesome, and a standby in our house.  You can toss in just about any vegetable, and it's delicious, and leftovers are always welcome.  Anyway, a quiche isn't necessarily the most healthy thing to have on standby, especially with all the butter in the crust and the eggs and cream and stuff in the filling (though I usually just use skim milk, but whatever, you get the point).  So, in an effort to make things a little more healthy, we've experimented with crustless quiches (very good!), and this experiment was with eggless quiche.

These veggies don't know what's in store for them!