Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cookie Quest - Icelandic Sykar Kaka

We didn't eat too many cookies on our honeymoon - I was too obsessed with the chocolate covered licorice to eat much of anything else. And, to be completely honest, most of the cookies we saw in bakeries and stores didn't seem to be particularly Icelandic. There were a lot of standard American type cookies, like chocolate chip and sugar cookies, which is fine but not necessarily what I want to eat if my goal is to try new things. We did stop at a bakery in the Westmann Islands and Matt had a chocolate chip cookie that was very good. I had an almond and chocolate pastry that was also delicious and, according to the girl behind the counter, very traditionally Icelandic. Which is all to say that we didn't encounter these cookies while we were in Iceland.

Lots of Little Sugar Cakes!