Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cookie Quest - Blondies!

I'm interested in making cookies that ship well lately, as I've got a customer on the west coast who keeps asking for some Becky-made cookies. My feeling, and maybe this is wrong, is that bar cookies are better shippers than regular cookies since the bar seems to be a little sturdier and it's easier to fit rectangular shaped bar cookies into rectangular shaped boxes. So far I've shipped her BB bars and brownies, which are the only bar cookies I make with any regularity. I like lots of bar cookies, like lemon bars and those crumble-covered fruit bars, but never make them because I won't get any help eating them at home. I've made them and taken them into work before, but transporting baked goods on the bus can be a bit tricky. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, sturdy cookies to ship. I'm open to ideas - what cookies do you make that ship well?

Straight out of 1988 Naples, FL

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Mediterranean Vacation in the Middle of a Snowstorm

I don't know about you, but we have been getting A LOT of snow lately. We've been eating a lot of hearty, stick-to-your-ribs type winter dishes to cope, but Saturday we decided to go a different route. What better way to cure the winter blues than with a bright, flavorful dish from somewhere sunny and warm?

Tuna in spicy sauce, with brussels sprouts and potatoes.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

From Russia, With Love

Matt and I have a bad case of Olympics fever, and the only cure is watching a lot of the Olympics. We currently are watching the ski-athlon (I think that's how it's spelled?), which we learned is a cross-country ski event. I guess there is more than one way to cross-country ski, and this event combines them both with competitors changing types partway through. Seems weird to me, but this is coming from a girl who can't even master one type of cross-country skiing.

Cooking up some blini - just like pancakes!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day!

Happy snow day, everyone! We've been cozied up inside most of the day, although we did take a walk around the neighborhood in the afternoon, and are enjoying the bonus day at home together. The extra day is good, since I can catch up on some things that fell by the wayside this weekend, like this blog post! I was originally going to write about the chili I made for our little Superbowl party, but I got too wrapped up in making it to remember to take any pictures of the process and also forgot to take any pictures of people eating it when it was done. I'll just tell you now that it was good, and unlike any other vegetarian chili I'd ever made before.

Here are some crushed pretzels.