So! It's been a while since I've posted anything on here, and after getting some flack about that this weekend, I've recommitted to my blog idea and am going to try to get back in the rhythm of posting. I don't have pictures for this post yet, but they're coming! But enough about me. As I've mentioned before, one of Matt's favorite fruits is cantaloupe. As part of my evil plan to get him to eat more fruit, I've started making just about every cantaloupe recipe I can find. (Next up - grilled cantaloupe.) Those of you who know my dad know that ice cream making is in the blood, so when I ran across a recipe for Cantaloupe Ice Cream in the Ben & Jerry's ice cream book, I figured it was worth a try for a couple of reasons. Partly the 'Matt loves cantaloupe' reason, partly the excuse to make ice cream, but most compelling was the 'cantaloupe and ice cream - really??!' reason.